Download the Zwick Logo.

Read our standards

2014 Zwick Construction Company Graphic Standards

The Zwick logo is the property of Zwick Construction Company and may only be used and applied as authorized. Uses are included but not limited to: Joint-Venture partnerships, Design-Build partnerships, partners' and subcontractors' use on plans, estimates, schedules and other project-specific documents.

Version 2.0

Our logo has a revision date of January 2014. Please ensure you have the latest file by downloading any format from this page. This revision introduced correct white-space limits around the logo, and established a consistent method to produce accurate color, via the Pantone Matching System (PMS©).


Regardless of the format you select to display, it must be shown at the correct scale and correct ratio. Please ensure it is not stretched horizontally or vertically.


If displayed in full-color, our logo must be displayed with the correct colors. The correct colors are:

PMS© 1795C and PMS© Cool Grey 11C.

The logo files on this page contain the correct colors and are approved for use.


Most applications will require a rastarized file, available here in a JPG format. This file type is optimal to include the logo in electronic documents such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and software for producing schedules and estimates.


This format is optimal to accurately reproduce our logo in BIM models, offset printing, oversized graphics, clothing applications, and other screen-printing requirements.